Our Mission


We are committed to giving our time, attention, and resources to ending systemic racism and changing the world! Our world will change when we change it–one action at a time. We will support one another to take steps in ways that are meaningful and personal to each sister. Perfection is not required. Action is.

Birthing Our STAR

Sisters Talk About Race – STAR – began in the comments of a FaceBook post in response to racial tension sparked by the George Floyd killing (2020). Women from a broad range of backgrounds came together asking themselves, “How do I have this conversation about race? What can I say that will take this complicated space and do more than we have ever done before? How may I confront my own bias and create opportunities to bring about systemic – all at the same time? ” We have gathered in this space to do the impossible. If we knew how to birth the impossible, equality for all, we would not be in the moment and conditions that we are. That is why we are here, now! Our togetherness makes what seems impossible an achievable task.

Undoing Racism

Our community is made up of women who want to make a difference in the world.

We are here to be our true Selves.

We are here to undo racism, violence and the historical effects of slavery.

We believe that it is necessary to create a deeply meaningful conversation within ourselves and with one another in order to make this difference.

The Power of Sisterhood

Who are we and what are we birthing? We gather in sisterhood to ask these questions…

How do we Grow and Develop? What has my life taught me about the contributions that are mine to make in the world? How do I do the internal work that is mine to do so that I’m part of the solution? How do I create the internal resilience to learn from my mistakes, face the hardships, and continue to bring my gifts to the world?
How do we Build Connection and Community? How does sisterhood make a difference? How do we motivate and inspire each other to bring our best? How do we create the safe spaces to learn together – and to be new with each other, transforming pain and ignorance into collective strength?
How do we Make Complex Change? How do we move beyond divide and conquer into the consciousness and action that encompasses us all? How do we learn about all the interlocking systems that have blocked progress for centuries so that real change can happen now?
How do we Ensure Economic Empowerment? How do we invest in our individual and collective financial stability and health so that we will have the resources to make the difference that we alone can make? How do we support each other? How do we transform the economic health and well-being of our communities?
How do we Honor Our Spiritual Evolution? How do we let life teach me who we are? How do I never give up on becoming the full shining light of my being? How do I bring this light out in you?



We’ve inspired each other, comforted each other, taken risks together, spoken our truths, spoken our fears, and continually called each other into our best. We acknowledge we are the change-makers the world needs. But how do we rise to the occasion? Too often we’re distracted by self-limiting beliefs that we are not yet ready or that someone else is a better choice than we are. STARPower Academy is dedicated to the truth that every single one of us needed – and that we each have something unique and important to bring. In this space, we learn more about who we are and how to support each other to bring that genius into the world. See our Events page for more detail and to register for upcoming events.


Improving women’s ability to build wealth is not only good for women, but is essential for the economic well-being of children, families, and our nation.

Most of us want to have it all—successful careers, healthy relationships and enough money to meet our needs (as well as our wants)! Yet, women face unique financial challenges based on the many roles they play as business owners, mothers, professionals, and caregivers. These roles influence the various financial obligations women have for themselves and their families.

But true wealth is about more than just a woman’s money. It’s about her life and the things she values most including her relationships, interests, goals, physical, mental and emotional health and financial IQ. Putting all these elements at the heart of a woman’s long-term wealth management strategy will help ensure she achieves the financial future she envisions. See our Events page for more detail and to register for upcoming events.